Archive for the ‘Fun’ Category

Mario Kart 64 Tournamnet #3

Wednesday, May 16th, 2007

Mario Kart on the Big Screen After Gilmore Girls (see below) I joined a BBQ in the back yard already in progress, but after that it was Mario Kart 64 Tournament time! We play a lot of Mario Kart 64 in this house; although, we have been remiss in recent weeks. As such we’ve had tourneys before, this being the 3rd. We had 7 people and well we try to maximize the number of games before anyone is eliminated, so our brackets are a little weird. My character of choice is Peach; by the way, she handles very nicely and is almost as fast a Yoshi. Heres how it went down, focusing on my performance:

Round 1.1: Kalamari Desert — 3rd palce (1 point)
Round 1.2: Sherbert Land — 3rd place (1 point)
Round 1.3: Royal Raceway — 3rd place (1 point)
Round 1 totals:
1st place 8 points
2nd palce 7 points
3rd place 3 points (me)
4th place 0 points

This put me in the losers bracket: Bowser’s Castle. As arguably the best player in the losers bracket I easily won this one to advance to round 2. 2nd place also advanced to round 2.

Round 2: Wario Stadium — 2nd place (advance to round 3 – finals). This was my big upset of Sriram, arguably one of the top 2 players in the house.

Finals: Me Vs. Brian at Rainbow Road. I hit a bomb going up the big hill and was set back early. I nearly caught up by the end of the first lap when Brian veered off at the big jump into space. This put me in 1st with 2 red shells. Brian caught up and 1 red shell was lost defending. Brian got in front and I fired the last read shell sending him over the edge; another huge stroke of luck. Flash forward to the end of the last lap, brain with a star and infinite mushroom pulls ahead, my bananas powerless to stop him. He misses the last row of boxes, I hit it, in 2nd place, and pick up and infinite mushroom. Brian, item less, attempts to ram me with Bowser, but misses, and I ride the mushroom to the win in a photo finish. The bracket:

The Bracket

Wits and Wagers

Thursday, May 10th, 2007

Wits and Wagers I got this game for Christmas last year and played it a little, but not a lot. My room mates found it in my pile of games last night and played it instead of watching Lost. We played it again tonight; it’s pretty fun with a good group of people. I am yet to play it for money, as it lends it self to — having poker chips. But without money it is kind of mindless, a good thing on a hot spring night. They sold it on ThinkGeek for a short time, but as it no longer appears to be there, here is the board game geek link.

Frisbee on the Common

Thursday, April 26th, 2007

Parkman Bandstand on the Boston Common I took my car in to get its new windshield today, which means I took the bus out to work and well I had to catch the 3:00 shuttle back, so it was always going to be a short day. But then a server I need at work needed to go down for maintenance so the day was even shorter. Jed was also not too busy at work so we took of early and went down to Boston Common to throw frisbee (or play tennis, but that didn’t happen). It was a lot of fun. There was a kick ball game that started up soon after we got there very nearby. There were probably 50 people playing; one team had uniform shirts and the other team didn’t. We couldn’t tell who won but they seemed to have fun. We played next to the kickball game for about an hour, took a break to get some water, and then joined two cute girls playing frisbee, turns out they were college freshmen, and as such a little young for me, but it felt good to spontaneously meet new people. I need to get a digital camera so I can have pics to go along with these posts that are original, but for now stock imagery will have to suffice. The pic was taken from exactly where we were playing.