Department of Happiness

Via Bostonist I ran across this interesting music video by Boston based band The Everyday Visuals. It is not so much about the music, which just fades into the background for me, as the world painted by the video. The rest contains spoilers…

I really like the idea of a large bureaucratic entity to which you detail your problems on a standard form, and then they subsequently mail you a collection of things which they think will help you on your way to solving your problems. It’s something about the cold, all business detachment of something that may know you better than yourself. It’s similar to the rare event when suggests that you might like something that you either already have and love, or that you’ve been wanting for ages.

One Response to “Department of Happiness”

  1. Judy says:

    I really liked this video too. What would make you happy is a good question to consider. An interesting idea for a band video.
    Thanks for sharing,