Gas Tax Holiday as a 419 Scam

Rob sent me a link to his hilariously deadpan letter, which poses the purposed gas tax [1] [2] as a Nigerian 419 scam letter. It has everything:

  • Name drops important heads of state who need your help.
  • Provides a reason why your help is required
  • Offers a sum of money that you will receive for helping said party.
  • Requests that you send money to a foreign nation.

Luckily nether Hillary nor McCain will implement their plan this summer. But if they are elected to office we’ll be in for 4 years of awful plans just like this one. You, my non existent Indiana reader, I’m talking to you!

The rest of you are tired of hearing about this I bet. I know I am, but writing vents frustration. I reall like this question and answer from the bottom of an MSNBC article explaining things:

Is it true that oil prices have been purposely manipulated to permit drilling in Alaska (ANWAR) and in other areas of the U.S. that are protected?
– C. J., Canfield, Ohio

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