A friend of mine from college, Josh, and his more interesting that I imagined sister were here last week. Unfortunetly for them we were still at about 50% unpacked during their short stay. She was here to look at a graduate school and he was here cause it was essentially a free trip. We had a lengthy debate about the definition of self evident truths, as in the deceleration of independence, and how that relates to middle eastern societies who clearly do not hold that women are created equal. Essentially the truths must either not be self evident, as it is commonly defined, or someone must be in denial. Of course, we got nowhere, but it has been quite a while, since college really, that I’ve had as much fun with pointless debate.
He also brought me 3 christmas tree shaped pina-colada air fresheners. You know, the kind traditionally used in a car and traditionally in some sort of pine fresh scent. You see, when I was moving to Boston in August of 2006, I stayed with Josh in New Jersey as a layover. Before I went we had this conversation (spelling and grammar have been improved to protect the innocent) :
Josh: oh – well I am not killing you I might as well not upset your stomach – any foods you don’t like – or inversely any food you’re particularly fond of?
Me: I’ll eat anything. I am particularly fond of rice and pasta
Josh: nice – I like easy. Lets see, not kill, not disgust … I think that covers the basics of hospitality the world over
Me: yeah, I can’t think of anything else; not kill covers a lot of ground
Josh: hell, I’ll even throw in not intentionally injure … permanently injure I mean
Me: That’s quite an offer, can I get a free car air freshener thrown in?
Josh: I don’t know about that – we are staring to cross the line of things I can give to you with no financial penalty to me whatsoever to things that actually cost money … eh what the hay sure
Me: rofl. good. I think we have a deal: non permanent injury + air freshener, for the low, low cost of an air freshener
Josh: pinefresh okay? or do you want some weird flavor – like pina-colada?
Me: oh man pina-colada sounds good now that you mention it
Josh: damn, I so only offered that with the almost complete conviction that you wouldn’t choose it. Okay since I live next to a gas station that can probably be arranged
Me: wow thats a fancy gas station.
Me: oh, did you know, that EC and Sandeep are now officially dating
Josh didn’t have them when I arrived on the trip, but let no one say that he didn’t come through in the end. I even got two air freshers worth of interest.